Working Mothers have changed the dynamics of family, today. The tradition of women who naturally become housewives after marriage is now, a story of the past. With more and more educated and career-driven women emerging, the modern society is witness to supermoms who are equally capable professionals in their areas of expertise. But this new look of the modern day mother, hasn’t changed one bit, the special qualities that naturally seem to run in mothers since time immemorial. Mothers, we know have overwhelmed us with their patience, devotion, affection, endurance and extraordinary love. In addition to that, in today’s context, they are one of the bread-earners (or sometimes, the sole bread-earner) in the family. But make no mistake, it only means that the modern day, working mothers have more roles to play. On Mother’s Day, we picked some of the working supermoms, whose greatest joys do not necessarily come from what they have achieved in their careers, as one may also assume, b...