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You are Special

It's a special feeling when you know people are thinking of you. Sometimes it doesn't take a lot of effort to smile. It comes naturally when your mind is filled with lovely things. It could be a remembrance from the past, some memory you are really fond of, or some proud moments you have had. It could be a note from a dear one. Maybe a simple sms when you actually wanted to do was frown on some ugly turn outs.

Things from afar are precious things. It's quite odd to think so but distance sometimes has a way of bringing many smiles. Perhaps it takes miles to make things work when it doesn't play well otherwise. And of course when someone is already dear like they say, distance sure makes the heart grow fonder. When you are away from home, far from all the family hassles and home activities, there comes a time when you begin to wonder if you will ever survive without your folks. This is especially true when you dearly hold them close to your heart.

There might have been times when the word 'home' itself becomes such an unpleasant thing to hear. Times when days end up in massive misunderstandings or arguments. But at the end of the day you know you are not going to trade it for anything else in the world. You know this fact even better when you are miles away. Maybe home is the one of the rare things that remain constant. It barely changes or doesn't change at all. The love, the attachments, the very element that makes a home almost always stays the same.

In a world that is literally growing out of love, it is a nice thing to have a home. To know you are loved despite all those who might want to keep a distance from you, is certainly something to cherish in life. We know special things like family and friends are for free. Yet how often do we realise the difference they make in our lives? How often do we sit back and think of all the instances they have encouraged us or stood by us when our hopes are sinking low? How often do we show them that it means a lot to have them around?

Perhaps we very rarely do so. After all like I said, they are for free. But when we lose those good-old-free things, it hurts beyond imagination. Do you ever wonder why you would mourn over something you got or free when they are gone? Well, they are special ones without doubt. It's true the best things in life are for free. And when you are gifted you got to keep them. 'Just because' although there are many reasons why.

Take a moment to look back on all those happy occasions of the past. You will be surprised to know the best of them all are the times when people made you feel special. The times when someone gave you a smile just like that, when someone spared a little time to listen to you, when someone told you how blessed he/she is to know you. Simply put, memories are most golden when you also happen to be a part of it. Feeling special is also when you know you have made a difference somewhere.

Why, living circles around that whole truth. We live to make a difference whether we know of it or not. Otherwise there is really no reason that you are alive at all. For the simple fact that there is no one like you in the whole wide world, you are there to make a diference which no other human being can make. You are special because there is no substitute for you. When you are gone, there will be no other to make somebody feel exactly the way you do.

Just like there are people around who means the world to you and whom you wouldn't want to lose, 'You' are also one of them who is special in many other lives. Live simply to make a difference that only you are capable of. Be worthy of the gift you are been given. Remember there is no one else to take your place.


Al Ngullie said…
Thank you for the inspiration and the personal challenge posed by your blog, Rita. When the Frog was kissed, he turned into a wonderful prince. It was not because popular conventions of love and belonging desired the outcome it to be. It wasn't the beautiful princess either. I believe that the princess was just the instrument for the storyteller to carry forward the moral of the story. The core of the moral, I suspect, is the invariable, inherent truth that unconditional 'love' ( translated as 'acceptance' on a more academic, platonic level)never sees anything more than what it chooses to accept.

Being reminded that one is wonderful (or not) i feel is only a tiny aspect making up the greater virtue of unconditional acceptance.
Avi said…
I feel some feelings pop up in me every day. I could not recognized them until I came across this article in your blog....! it makes me feel special,took me back to my childhood days, the days I spent running around and playing with my toys. I recall my family and kins that make me feel someone is always there for me.Indeed it's a tribute to my life!!! I firmly believe "each of us is unique and special today and every day.....! thank you my dear sister!!!!!

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