SEPTEMBER 3. It is late Thursday afternoon. The chairs are empty and the hills are quiet. I like this familiar space I had once lived in- breathing words to life, one day at a time. He sits across me today. On this warm afternoon. We are meeting for the first time. In a room lit by sunlight. Traces of a working day still visible. And his energy for life, infectious. I instantly think of happiness. It seeps into my being. Like the sweetness of Autumn flowers that fill the season. The blossoms may fade- like everything else- but they always live their time, leaving a lasting impact. It's odd that I am sitting her e with you , thinking of life as the most precious thing. And in between words that sum up our pasts, it feels like home - just as they say, home is people, not a place. I relish the tea, the talks, the laughter- this very moment, sparking with inspiration. Then I knew I have met my Muse . The one, who opened up a whole new wor...