26th May 2010: I’m tired of reporting, tired of running around at all insignificant places, tired of hearing the same speeches over and over again. I’m tired of seeing the same old faces, propagating the same messages of development and more development with nothing much being done in its aftermath. I’m tired of wondering every time if this is really as good as it can get. I’m tired of sneaking into other people’s businesses when they’d rather keep it to themselves, tired of seeing their disappointment to find out that I don’t represent the sought most newspaper in the state, I’m tired of the phony respect they give me in places that I couldn’t help but go out of duty. I’m tired of people who think they can buy me off (buy my profession off to be precise), tired of them who fail to see I’m living a part of my dream, tired of them who think Journalism is a last resort because we couldn’t find anything better to do, I’m tired of opinions, tired of sick mentality and narrow minds, I’...